The L.A. Times is California’s largest newspaper and it doesn’t believe that both Prop 26 and Prop 27 are beneficial for the state. According to the paper, these propositions present more risks than benefits to voters. Through the use of AI, your content will be more thorough and well-written than it ever has before.
There are two proposed measures at stake – Prop 26 would allow tribal casinos to operate sports betting and Gov. Newsom’s plan, Prop 19, would give the rights to four thoroughbred racetracks in California. We want to legalize roulette and dice-based table games and allow or commercial or tribal entities to offer online sports betting.
If California ever decides to embrace sports betting, it should be with a framework that is as evenhanded as possible, and not one that so blatantly picks winners and losers
The LA Times editorial board wrote.
Opposite groups have raised over $400 million to state their position on both propositions. The support behind Prop 26 is clear, with over 120 tribes backing it. In contrast, 117 tribes are currently supporting Prop 27.
Problems with Both Measures
The Times editorial board also had an issue with the veracity of some claims by both camps. For instance, proponents of regulated sports betting claim that it will cut into the thriving black market in illegal gambling, but this ignores the fact that there is a market in all manner of legal activities such as lotteries and scratch-off tickets that have persisted alongside illegal wagering.
However, comparing this to marijuana legalization in the state back in 2012, today’s legal pot market only accounts for about 25% of total sales. Retailers are also looking at the state’s high taxes on the industry and complaining that they keep their wallet at a stack. Prop 27 also claims that a 10% tax will solve the state’s homelessness problem, but the editorial casts doubts on its effectiveness. It says 85% of tax receipts would go to fund homeless-related programs under Prop 27.
The rest would go to tribes not betting sports. “As the state budget overflowed with surplus dollars the past two years, California lawmakers committed $13.5 billion to provide shelter and services to people who lack homes. “Taxes from sports betting will be a reliable source of funding but their total amount is unlikely to make a significant improvement”
Prop 26 also raised a few red flags from the editorial board. They pointed out the language that could open the door for more lawsuits against the state’s cardroom casinos, which have butted heads with tribal casinos in recent years. It also noted that animal welfare groups have opposed racetracks’ involvement.
“Proposition 26 aligns with the state’s past support for allowing gambling on tribal lands. Essentially, this initiative is a toxic mix of industry interests that will either benefit the people behind it or push their competitors away, but not do much to help consumers.”
Is Sports Betting a ‘Foolish Scheme’?
Across the US, 36 states and the District of Columbia have legalized sports betting. California is one of the country’s most significant markets, and if they legalize gambling on the internet then they could become a leader on a national level. However, the NY Times editorial concludes that just because other states have taken that step doesn’t mean California should follow suit. These two measures on the Massachusetts ballot would inject more gambling into an already fraught state.
“The amount of money Americans blow on sports bets should raise concerns about their financial health,” the editorial said. “In one month last year, lovers wagered $7 billion – a 20-fold increase from three years earlier.” Less spending translates to less money being put back into the economy. For better or worse, all of these funds are often borrowed; meaning that if people stop spending, chances are they’re not going to be able to pay back the loans.